Thursday, 11 August 2011


Three weeks to go! I'm actually struggling with pacing myself to finish my last assignments; a few super warm days last week deceived us all into thinking that summer was coming back (in the middle of winter, yeah right.), so I was running around in tank tops and flip flops and therefore successfully caught a cold. BUT I'm working on this really cool research paper on fashion blogging (not that we study about this in hospitality management though; it's an English class for our business degree, and we got to choose our own topics), and actually need your help! I'll sincerely appreciate it if you could devote 10 minutes of your time to do this survey so I can use it as my primary research for my article. I'm really excited to read about your opinions, and thanks a million to those who take their time to fill out the questionaire. :)

A few projects for this blog coming up soon, one (hopefully) very soon so watch this space guys!

And last but not least, again happy birthday to my darling lover Polly, with whom I had a pretty funny night last night. We reminisced about our time when we were the fearless, crazy, inseparable duo, throwing sick birthday parties, painting Manly red on weekend (and sometimes weekday) nights, and pretty much being siamese twins. We might have had a few glasses of wine too many and played our music too loud, but all in all it was a perfect birthday.

Sexy green tea + lemon icing birthday cupcakes. Recipe here - I was a bit sad that I didn't taste the green tea though.

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