Saturday, 23 July 2011


Click for more of my iPhone polaroids on my tumblr!

It's my first day off since forever, so I've been lying in bed spoiling myself with some downtime. Was catching up with all the new prettiness in the blogworld when I stumbled upon tiger in a jar on Honestly WTF. I follow a selection of blogs that I find inspiring, but what Julie and Matt are posting on their adorable space (especially this, this, this and this) made me want to get on my feet and make the most of my day today, explore something new, take photos, be efficient and indulge myself with some "barefoot" time, especially as the sun is making a quick appearance again after a hundred days of rain.

Economics assignment, sorry you have to wait today.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good site, I've now bookmarked it :) I guess it didn't effect me the same way it did you though, I'm still sitting on the couch looking outside and not wanting to get up. Sex and the City may be the go.

    I heard Sydney had a hectic day of rain the other day, lame as. Hope you're having a good weekend!

